5 App Development Trends That Will Define 2022

2021 is almost over. The world has witnessed a vast shift in the tech scene. Here are the top 5 app development trends that will shape the technology landscape in 2022.

In the last couple of years, we have witnessed perhaps the most aggressive display of app development. Much of it can be attributed to the unprecedented global events that defined the last two years. Reliance on smart devices, including smartphones, is at an all-time high. We are living in a time when our lives are seamlessly intertwined with mobile devices and applications.

App development is, undoubtedly, the most innovative scene in modern times. It is no longer a reserve for the tech-savvy crowd. Everyone is a consumer or beneficiary of new technologies. This article takes a deep dive into what to expect in terms of new app development trends moving into 2022. Let’s begin. 

Video Communication Apps

The use of video communication apps has shot up almost exponentially since 2020. Not by design but rather out of necessity. During a period of global quarantine accompanied by cutbacks in travel expenses, video stood out as one of the most effective means of interaction and communication with clients, family, friends, and colleagues. You could say that the quarantine, re-ignited the drive for developing high-quality video apps and modernizing existing ones as millions shifted to remote working from home. 

While the travel and movement restrictions have been eased in recent months in many countries, there are a couple of things corporations have discovered. For starters, employees’ productivity seems to be high when they are working in comfortable environments such as their homes. Also, companies can save on overhead costs such as office space by having some of their employees work remotely. 

It means that the future of video communication app development is looking quite promising as we go into 2022. Forward-looking organizations are already exploring video-link technologies outside of the conventional office or social setup. Many are pursuing video prospects in the fields of shopping and medical services.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The first artificial intelligence program was developed decades ago. It was known as the Logic Theorist and its purpose was to mimic human problem-solving skills. You’d expect that by now, we’d be over the peak in this niche. However, this discovery laid the foundation of what came (and still is to come) years later. We are yet to hit the ceiling in terms of artificial intelligence. In fact, from the looks of it, we are just getting warmed up. 

Recently, we have seen AI programs being integrated into smart home systems and voice search devices. Nonetheless, production line equipment remains one of the key areas that app developers are pursuing with artificial intelligence. Robotization is keen on having enhanced AI programs that can perform complex tasks across all industry sectors. 

Advancements in AI-powered virtual assistants seem to be the direction that a lot of app development players are taking presently. Enhanced personalization no doubt stands as a key driver for all apps being created. There is a growing demand for assistants that can accurately read emotions, retrieve personal information, and carry out multiple interactions on short notice. Brace for revolutionary artificial intelligence projects in 2022.

Super Apps

Convenience drives growth in most industrial sectors. App development is no exception. There is a growing need to have some kind of a one-stop shop when it comes to apps. Think about it; we already use so many apps for all sorts of purposes ranging from logistics to communication. Wouldn’t it be much easier if we had everything under one roof?

To be completely fair though, while it may be a new concept in the West, Asian countries like China have been running super apps for quite some time now. Great examples here are WeChat and Gojek. Many companies are seeing the need to have a multi-purpose app that performs a range of diversified tasks. A few are already working towards integrating communication apps and payment apps. We should expect significant breakthroughs in this sphere in 2022. 

Touchless User Interface

We have, quite frankly, exhausted the development of touch-based user interfaces. They had a good run and now it’s time to move on. The need for convenience and inclusiveness drives innovation. Many app developers have been toying with the idea of designing UIs that require minimal effort and can be used by people of all age groups. At the top of the list are gesture-based and voice-controlled user interfaces. It is certainly going to be interesting to watch what advancements app developers make in touchless UIs this coming year. 

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMPs) and Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

Tech titans, Twitter and Google, are leading an open-source project known as accelerated mobile pages designed to drastically reduce load times and data usage. The fundamental principle is that reduced lines of code will make load times faster whilst keeping data usage to a minimum.  

On the other hand, PWAs are designed to bridge the gap between apps and web pages. Think of them as hybrids. Together, these mobile app development trends will render low-quality apps obsolete, reduce reliance on internet connections, take up less space, and make load times much faster. The benefits that regular consumers and organizations can realize with these trends at their peak are boundless. 

Trends in app development continue to transform the business space with each passing year. Technology is reconstructing how businesses interact with their customers as well as how the average person is conducting research and doing shopping. Savvy corporate executives understand that to stay ahead of their competition, they must embrace the shifting tech landscape lest become irrelevant. The trends discussed above barely scratch the surface of what’s in store for 2022.

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